Product : ISaGRAF 3.20

Date    : 29-May-1997

File    : ntddepos.DDE possibilities with NT target.htm

Subject : DDE possibilities with NT target

Keywords: DDE - NT target


With ISaGRAF NT target, it is possible to

- Connect several DDE clients for the same target

- Deconnect one DDE client

- Write one variable (poke mode)

If you try to write an input or an output variable, the symbol in

kernel database will be updated, but not the physical driver.

- Read one variable (read mode)

- Read variables according to advise mode: the client is given

the variable values at periodic intervals of time. The values

given are only the ones which have been modified

- Cancel an advise loop

- It's possible to make DDE exchanges through a Network :see NetDDE.txt


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